Central and Southern Indiana fence contractor

Discover Reliable Farm Fence Solutions in Ellettsville Indiana with Your Trusted Partner, Double R Fence

If you're looking for top-notch farm fencing, then you've found it! As the trusted agricultural fencing company in Ellettsville Indiana, Double R Fence delivers unbeatable expertise and service. With a solid track record and satisfied customer reviews, we take pride in our commitment to excellence.

At Double R Fence, our farm fences get the job done while enhancing the aesthetics of your property. We treat your land with the utmost care, utilizing the most effective equipment and premium materials to create fences that are not only durable and functional but also visually appealing.

Our wide range of farm fence solutions caters to diverse agricultural properties across Ellettsville Indiana. Whether you need to safeguard your crops, protect animals, or define boundaries, Double R Fence has the ideal solution. From equestrian fences to deer fences, field fences, and more, our offerings match your needs and budget.

Partner with Double R Fence for reliable farm fence solutions -where excellence meets affordability and beauty complements functionality. Let us transform your agricultural spaces into secure and stunning landscapes with our exceptional farm fences.

Ellettsville Indiana Fence Company

Get A Farm Fence Estimate

Our farm fence experts at Double R Fence are happy to help property owners get an estimate on any fence project needed. Reach out to us for answers today!

Effective Animal Fencing in Ellettsville Indiana

The animal fence experts at Double R Fence have a lifetime of experience in the agricultural industry, so we understand the range of fencing needs in the Ellettsville area. We offer a variety of fences to suit all of your farm and agricultural property needs.

Ellettsville Indiana animal fence solutions contractor

Ellettsville IndianaHorse Fences

  • Horse fencing comes in various forms to cater to specific needs. Board fences offer a classic and aesthetically pleasing option, providing both durability and visibility. Poly coat fences have a protective coating for enhanced longevity. High tensile fences combine strength and flexibility, ensuring reliable containment. Electric fences offer an additional layer of security, acting as a deterrent without causing harm. Each type addresses unique needs, allowing horse owners to choose the most suitable option for their equine companions.

Ellettsville IndianaCattle Fences

  • Cattle fences are a vital part of livestock management. Woven wire fences provide durability and containment, ideal for corrals and pastures. High-tensile fences offer strength and resilience, effectively withstanding pressure from large livestock. Electric fences, with their versatility and deterrent effect, serve as an additional layer of security, preventing cattle from breaching boundaries. Together, these fencing solutions ensure the safety, control, and optimal conditions for cattle in various agricultural settings.

Ellettsville IndianaDeer Fences

  • Deer fences, including woven wire and high tensile types, offer protection for crops and landscapes against deer intrusion. Woven wire fences provide sturdy barriers with tight spacing to deter deer. High tensile fences utilize strong wire strands under tension, enhancing durability and resilience. Together, these fences ensure effective defense against deer damage, preserving agricultural investments and maintaining landscape aesthetics.

Ellettsville IndianaSmall Animal Fences

  • Small animal fences, particularly those incorporating woven wire, offer a versatile solution for protecting delicate plants and landscapes. Woven wire fences are known for their durability and flexibility, providing a reliable barrier against small animals that might threaten gardens or ornamental areas. Their design ensures a secure enclosure while allowing for sufficient visibility and balancing protection and aesthetics.

Ellettsville IndianaAlpaca Fences

  • Alpaca fences are effective in protecting these valuable animals, keeping them from wandering off or becoming victims of outside predators. Woven wire fences offer sturdy containment, while high tensile fences provide durability and strength, ensuring long-term protection against potential threats. Electric fences serve as effective deterrents, enhancing security while minimizing maintenance needs. Together, these fencing solutions create a safe and reliable enclosure for alpacas, promoting their well-being.

Ellettsville IndianaGoat Fences

  • Goat and sheep fences, often constructed with woven wire and high tensile fencing, provide effective containment solutions. Woven wire fences offer durability and flexibility, adapting to the natural movements of these animals while providing security. High tensile fences add strength, effectively deterring climbing or leaning and enhancing the overall effectiveness of the enclosure. These fencing options create a reliable barrier, safeguarding livestock and preventing unwanted grazing.

Ellettsville IndianaDog Fences

  • Dog fences, utilizing woven wire and chain link designs, provide essential containment solutions. Woven wire fences offer durability and flexibility, ensuring a secure dog environment while maintaining visibility. Meanwhile, chain link fences provide a sturdy and long-lasting option, effectively restricting the movement of dogs and enhancing overall security. Both options contribute to responsible pet ownership, creating safe spaces for dogs to roam without compromising their safety or threatening others.

Types of Fences to Consider For Your Ellettsville Indiana Property

Our experts at Double R Fence are proficient in designing and installing many types of fences. Choosing the right style depends on your property, the purpose of building a fence, and your budget. Our local team has 5 years of experience, so you can trust us through the process of installing a high-quality, durable farm fence in Ellettsville IN!

high tensile fence Ellettsville Indiana

Ellettsville Indiana High Tensile Fences

High tensile fences offer several benefits that make them a popular choice for agricultural and farming applications. One of the primary advantages is their strength and durability. High tensile fences are constructed using steel wires with a higher tensile strength than traditional fences, allowing them to withstand significant pressure from larger livestock without losing their shape or integrity. Additionally, high tensile fences require less maintenance compared to other fencing options, as they are less prone to stretching and require fewer posts.

Ellettsville High Tensile Fence
vinyl fence Ellettsville Indiana

Ellettsville Indiana Vinyl Fences

A vinyl rail fence from Double R Fence is an attractive option that provides a wide range of benefits for farming applications in Ellettsville Indiana. First and foremost, its durability and resistance to the elements make it an ideal choice for withstanding the rigors of agricultural environments. Vinyl rail fencing requires minimal maintenance, saving valuable time and resources while ensuring a long-lasting and attractive fencing solution.

Ellettsville Vinyl Fence
chain link fence Ellettsville Indiana

Ellettsville IndianaChain Link Fences

Chain link fences offer a versatile fencing solution for any property. A chain link fence offers a secure yet affordable option that comes with a variety of options. Choosing a PVC-coated chain link fence enhances the fence's durability, providing resistance against corrosion and the elements, ensuring a longer lifespan for agricultural applications. The addition of privacy slats not only enhances security by limiting visibility into the enclosed area but also contributes to a more controlled environment for livestock, making chain link fences with PVC coating and privacy slats an effective and adaptable choice for maintaining the privacy and security of both residential and agricultural properties.

Ellettsville Chain Link Fence
board fence Ellettsville Indiana

Ellettsville Indiana Board Fences

Whether you have a small amount of acreage or a large homestead or farm, a board rail fence is versatile and customizable, making them an ideal choice for securing livestock or surrounding homes on agricultural properties in Ellettsville Indiana Board rail fences are designed to withstand the elements while maintaining their aesthetic appeal and can be installed alone or as part of a larger fencing system to provide maximum security for your animals.

Ellettsville Board Fence
poly coat fence Ellettsville Indiana

Ellettsville IndianaPoly Coat Fences

Poly coat fencing is specifically designed for horses and is engineered to provide maximum visibility and functionality. Poly coat fences are a version of high tensile fences that are coated in a material that makes them more visible to horses, preventing them from running into your fence. The high tensile wire can be electrified to create an additional deterrent for young or highly energetic horses. The poly coating enhances the fence's durability, providing resistance to rust, corrosion, and weathering, thereby ensuring a longer lifespan and reduced maintenance costs.

Ellettsville Poly Coat Fence
continuous paneling fence Ellettsville Indiana

Ellettsville Indiana Continuous Paneling Fences

Continuous panel agricultural fencing, fromDouble R Fence, brings unparalleled benefits to modern farming practices. These seamlessly connected panels, often crafted from durable materials such as high-tensile steel, provide a steadfast and unbroken barrier for livestock and crop protection. The streamlined installation process, coupled with minimal maintenance requirements, ensures that our continuous panel fencing offers a cost-effective and efficient solution for farmers seeking durability, security, and ease of management on their agricultural properties.

Ellettsville Continuous Paneling Fence
woven wire fence Ellettsville Indiana

Ellettsville Indiana Woven Wire Fences

Woven wire fences, crafted with precision and expertise, consist of vertical and horizontal wires woven together to form a robust mesh. This design ensures reliable containment, making it an ideal choice for livestock enclosures, agricultural fields, and property boundaries. The flexibility of woven wire fences adapts seamlessly to the terrain, providing a secure barrier that stands the test of time.

Ellettsville Woven Wire Fence
electric fence Ellettsville Indiana

Ellettsville Indiana Electric Fences

An electric livestock fence offers several advantages for efficient and secure animal containment. It provides a strong psychological deterrent, as the mild electric shock delivered upon contact encourages livestock to respect the boundaries, minimizing the risk of escapes. Electric fences are relatively easy to install and require fewer physical materials compared to traditional fences, making them a cost-effective solution.

Ellettsville Electric Fence

Quality Fencing for Every Need: Agricultural and Residential Fencing in Ellettsville Indiana

At Double R Fence, we know that top-quality fence can make all the difference when it comes to protecting your home or farm. That's why we offer a wide selection of durable fencing options, expertly installed by our team of experienced professionals.

Ellettsville Indiana residential fencing company

Ellettsville Indiana Residential Fences

Your home deserves the best, and that's exactly what you'll get with our residential fencing solutions at Double R Fence. Whether you prefer the natural look of wood, the versatility of chain link, or the modern appeal of vinyl, we have the perfect fence for you.

Ellettsville Residential Fencing
Ellettsville Indiana agricultural fencing company

Ellettsville Indiana Agricultural Fences

Discover the difference that quality agricultural fencing can make for your farm in Ellettsville. Our team is committed to providing you with durable, long-lasting fencing solutions that offer both functionality and peace of mind.

Ellettsville Agricultural Fencing

Get A Farm Fence Estimate

Our farm fence experts at Double R Fence are happy to help property owners get an estimate on any fence project needed. Reach out to us for answers today!

Fence Installation Options

Whether you would like your fence installed by our professional installers or you'd like to do-it-yourself, we work with Ellettsville homeowners and business owners to make each fencing project easy and successful.

Ellettsville Indiana Professional Fence Installation

Ellettsville Indiana Professional Installation

We have installed many fences in Ellettsville and the surrounding area. We are familiar with local codes that relate to fences and we understand the climate and weather - to help you choose the best fence and to install it in such a way that will last over time.

Ellettsville Indiana DIY Fence Installation

Ellettsville IndianaDIY Installation

Many Ellettsville fences are installed by homeowners and handymen. Our fence experts can help you plan and purchase your fence and give you tips to set you up for success so that you will enjoy your fence for many years to come.

Buying a Fence in Ellettsville Indiana

Our Easy Process

We have made the process of buying a fence easy for Ellettsville residents. Installing fences since 2018, the Double R Fence team is ready to help you. Shop our vast selection of fencing options and styles. Give us a call and let's get started on your fence building project together!

Buying a fence step 1: Design Your Fence Online
Measure the Property

Plan out the space for your property that will be enclosed by your new fence. The size and shape of your area will determine the amount of materials needed to calculate the overall cost.

Buying a fence step 2: Speak with Our Fence Expert
Choose a Style

Decide on the exact style of the fence material you prefer. We have a wide range of fence types designed specifically for farm and agricultural applications. Choose your fence type based on your needs and preferences.

Buying a fence step 3: Installation
Delivery & Installation

Once we have the order for your exact type of fence, style, and the size of the property, we can choose a date with you for delivery and installation!

Ellettsville, Indiana Pinterest Board
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  • Photos of Ellettsville, Indiana
  • Useful links related to Ellettsville
  • Examples of some of our Ellettsville fence projects
  • Other "stuff" that residents of Ellettsville might find interesting

Pinterest Board
Ellettsville Indiana

Explore our Ellettsville Indiana board on Pinterest.

We have collected hundreds of the best pins, photos, and links to useful articles relating to Ellettsville, Indiana and we've created a bunch of our own as well. We are constantly on the lookout for our favorite "stuff" in Ellettsville.

Of course, we have thrown in a few pins of some of our favorite fences in Ellettsville, just for good measure.

Explore Our Ellettsville, Indiana Pinterest Board!

Talk to Our Farm Fence Experts

When you're looking for farm fencing in the Ellettsville Indiana area, our fence experts are here to help with any answers you may need. Reach out with your questions and requests, and we will help you right away!

Double R Fence has been installing fences in Ellettsville Indiana since 2018. Almost immediately, we established ourselves as one of the top fence companies in the Ellettsville area - through our dedication and commitment to quality workmanship and customer service.

Yes. We are a 100% fully licensed and insured fencing company operating in the entire region surrounding Ellettsville Indiana. Unfortunately, there are several local companies selling fencing and fence installation services in Ellettsville that are not licensed or insured.

Be careful not to choose one of these companies! Their lack of professionalism is already apparent before they dig their first hole!

Yes, we provide a workmanship warranty on all the fences we install in Ellettsville Indiana. This protects you against improper installation. Each of the different fence types have their own manufacturer's warranty that may also apply. Talk to us about the specifics of your fence warranty once you have selected the style and type of fencing you wish to have installed.

Ellettsville residents actually use all types of fences for their homes and businesses. Generally speaking, wood fences seem to be the favorite in Ellettsville, especially for residential fences.

The best fence is the one which meets your needs the best. Our Ellettsville fence experts will happily come to your home or business to help you plan your project and to give you a free estimate and expert consultation.

We only sell and install fences made from high quality materials. Each of our fences handle the Ellettsville Indiana weather just fine.

Believe it or not, there may be specific issues that your property has that would make one type of fence a better option than others. One of our fence experts will need to inspect your property to give you our expert advice.

Examples of Ellettsville Indiana Fences

Here are a few examples of fences in Ellettsville Indiana.

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